Finding a job in a new country can be difficult even for people with experience. In this case, fairly simple exercises can help, which will remind you of your strengths and what exactly you can do to be useful to others, while also receiving a financial reward. As part of the Care in Change project, we invited professional ICF coach Ulyana Gorohova to choose exercises that will help overcome stress and feel one's own value.
The meeting took place in a very warm atmosphere, where all participants were able to communicate with Ulyana. The discussion began with an analysis of the Japanese concept of "Ikigai", followed by the performance of individual tasks and tasks in pairs. Step by step, they reached the end of the event and even received homework (yes, all got serious:)).
Here's the feedback we got:
Wishes for more practical things and sweets we noted for the next time :)
Thank you to everyone who came and shared this atmosphere with us! We believe that the exercises you performed will be useful to you in the future.
ℹ️ The project is funded by the European Social Fund