Wellbeing activities

We combine physical health, mental well-being, and community integration.Join us in our mission to make a positive change through activities that benefit both body and mind.

Why wellbeing matters?


Physical and Mental Health

Engaging in regular physical activities such as pilates, yoga, and running has proven benefits for both physical and mental health. These activities enhance flexibility, strength, and endurance while reducing stress and promoting relaxation.


Community Integration

Participating in our activities provides a unique opportunity for Ukrainians, Swedes, and other foreigners to come together, share experiences, and build lasting connections. The sense of community fosters a supportive environment for everyone involved.


Contributing to
in Sweden

By participating in our programs, individuals have the chance to immerse themselves in Swedish culture and society. This contributes to a smoother integration process, helping newcomers feel more at home and connected to their new community.

Sneak peek of our latest activities

News and latest activities