Book "Okuvliga" at Almedalen 2024

July 1, 2024

Last week, our team participated in the Almedalen 2024 political forum held on Gotland. For three days straight, we actively engaged with forum participants and shared stories from our book "Okuvliga" about the lives of Ukrainians who ended up in Sweden due to the war, stories that left no one indifferent.

We met with politicians to help them better understand what Ukrainians living in Sweden are going through and presented the book to the leader of the Vänsterpartiet party, Nooshi Dadgostar. Some of those who support Ukrainians made donations and shared their personal stories.

We also visited the Ukrainian Hub stand, met with participants of our projects and our friends there, attended several lectures and panel discussions, and viewed all the exhibitions. Additionally, we took part in the "Ryssland ut ur Ukraina" demonstration. The organizers of the Ukrainian Hub did a great job and actively covered the most important topics of the invasion of Ukraine and also discussed all the problems faced by migrants from Ukraine in Sweden. We thanked the organizers by presenting them with several copies of the book.

Lena Wilderäng (author of the book "Solroseffekten") and Ellen-Elena Reinolds  (founder of the organization OperationAid) – women who truly change the lives of Ukrainians – also received their copies.

We were thrilled to hear positive feedback about the book from forum visitors, but most importantly, we reminded everyone we had the chance to meet that the war in Ukraine continues and people still need help.

If you would also like to receive a copy of the book "Unbreakable," please send us an email at

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